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Ann Romney: Eastwood did "a unique thing"

(CBS News) The morning after actor Clint Eastwood gave an ad-libbed monologue at the Republican National Convention, Ann Romney said he did "a unique thing."

"He's a unique guy and he did a unique thing last night," she said, referring to Eastwood's unscripted remarks during the highly-scripted event, in which he had a "discussion" with an empty chair which was meant to represent President Obama.

"We appreciated Clint's support," she said. "I didn't know it was coming."

"It can never take away from the fact that this country is in trouble and people are looking for real leadership."

Romney appeared on "CBS This Morning" one day after her husband accepted the Republican Party's presidential nomination -- in a speech which came immediately after Eastwood's. She said she is "so glad" the final night of the convention included his friends and business associates who told a more personal story of the Republican nominee. Mitt Romney has rarely opened up about his personal life on the campaign trail.

He did those things "before there were any camera or any lights," she said. "Mitt does not do these things for political talking point and he does not talk about them."

She said he doesn't talk about those moments in his life because "it has been very hard for Mitt to open up." She said he is reluctant to because "there is something you lose by sharing it or sort of trying to shine a spotlight on you."

However, Romney said her husband is "a rock" and led his children by example.

(Watch CBS News' John Dickerson's analysis in video player)

CBS News Political Director John Dickerson, meanwhile, said that the Republican convention attempted to "give people permission to leave President Obama" and also, "making Mitt Romney a comfortable person that people can hand the reins to."

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